Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Lately the word friends tends to bring a tear to my eye - although lately a lot of things are making me cry. That's not the point of this post though. What would I do without friends?

It's kind of crazy because I've asked my husband in the past if he wouldn't like a friend or two to hang around with. His response is, "You're my friend." That's lovely and always makes me feel good. Unfortunately I cannot return the favor. I need my girlfriends. I love them. They all seem to fill a different need in me. There are those who I talk about church and spirituality, there are my knitting/spinning friends, my life problems and pluses friends, swapping and trading friends. There are those I'm there for and those who are there for me.

I'm not saying that in this list there aren't crossovers and path twists and relationship changes but there seem to be a lot of consistencies.

I hope that I am half as useful to the girls that I call friends. I hope that they think of me sometimes and are thankful to know me as I am when I think of them. I feel grateful to God today for the gift of girlfriends which He has given to me.

I'll talk about yarn and knitting and other fun stuff tomorrow. Tonight I have a date with Lilly. We will be ending our oh, so intimate relationship very soon.

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