Thursday, August 03, 2006

It's All Fair!

Here are all of the things I entered in the county fair. Fowlerville Fair to be exact. I've never entered things in contests but I was reading Stitch Marker earlier this year and I thought "maybe". Then my friend and spinning teacher went to Maryland and entered her project basket and wond best of show and I thought "MAYBE". And then I was talking to my spinning teacher, whose name is Betty, about possibly entering some things in the fair and she said "YES!" And so I did.

Here's what happened. I entered three items. My Orenberg Lace shawl and two of my best skeins. The skeins were both in the wool category. The white one is merino and the red one is shetland with silk and another kind of wool which I can't remember.

I got second place with my shawl. The first place entry was spectacular. I got second place with my white skein and third with my red skein. Three entries and three ribbons. Betty entered her project basket. She won first in the wool category and got best of show and a gold ribbon which qualifies her to go to the state fair. So basically I lost to my teacher which isn't bad.

I'm already planning on entering my lily of the valley shawl in next year's fair. These riboons are kind of addictive.

Today is lunch with my friend Lisa and maybe when I get home I'll wash that cormo fleece i've had for 5 months. Or maybe the little bits of wool I bought at Rhinebeck last year. I should probably do something with them before I go back this fall adn get more stuff to store in my craft room. I used to call it my sewing room but the knitting and spinning has taken over the dressmaking and quilting.

Of to get the kids breakfast.


Anonymous said...

Well done, Beth!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your blog! I found you through the comments section on Beth's Knitting and since your tomato/mozzarella thing is exactly what I was going to suggest, I just had to comment.

Also: "Three Sheeps to the Wind" is a great blog title. Keep it coming.

xyz said...

Your shawl is gorgeous!!!! Congrats!!