This post has a lot of pictures and very few words.
Chelsea made me go to Ikea, as you know. So here are some before photos of the rooms we fixed up.

This first room has the needles, spindles, some wheels and books.

The other room had carders, small tools, small looms and the Wall O'Fleece.

That's Ian (Chelsea's) and little buster helping to assemble the new shelves after a trip to return them due to a purchase of the wrong color.

Here they are mid fleece move.

This is the wall where the Wall O Fleece used to be...somuch better...yes, there are 5 carders and a picker on that table.

Her eis the Wall O'Fleece organized and lovely.

Beauty shot of the labels Chelsea made....with a lock of the fleece easy to see so you don't have to pull out every basket.

Another angle of that room.

Here's the main room. With Chelsea fixing the vacuum. All that fiber is really hell on the shop vacuums. Anyway, I am very happy with the whole thing. There's still plenty to do but everything keeps getting better.

On Saturday the posse showed up....Carla, Erica, Katherine...

These two lovely ladies. I have completely forgotten their names (give me a break, it's late)

And Jillian who is always a blur.
Saturday was gone before I knew it and then it was time for Sunday.

Marilyn was having a show opening to show off her quilts at Woven Art in Lansing and so we had to go. Isn;t she lovely...oh, that scarf? Handspun and beaded by her daughter in law Tammy.

This quilt is made with fabric that was originally black, then the color was removed and it was overdyed with indigo. It was my favorite.

And just one more for good measure.

Chelsea was doing fancy stuff with her camera.
Home we went so I could get ready for today.

And her4e she is. Favorite of the day. I gave her a short spinning lesson, maybe ten minutes and she was making great yarn. She'll be taking a new wheel back to Isreal with her.
O.K. I am going to bed.
I love it!!!!!!!! I got dibs on the fleece room for the sleep over... it ain't the Mecca of Moist for nuthin!
oh, it's lurvely! Now I want those grass basket thingies for my Expedit shelves!
Yay Chelsea! good organizing and labeling. Wish I were there to shop right now!
Omidawg. May I come live in you shop, please?
The place looks fantastic!
I only have one large open room. I like all your wall space.
Oh the wall of fleece looks nice. It will be so much easier to find stuff. Good on both of you.
Great job, girls!
I whish I could run away from home and be with you!
You're making me Loft-sick.
I'm one of the mystery people in your photos - the other is Genevieve. I feel famous now!
I am loving the new wheel BTW and I had lots of fun at the shop. I hope to return soon!
(I am also the one who placed the order on your website for the two slower Matchless whorls on Sunday - I forgot to get them when I was there!)
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!
i love the new wall of fleece.
i'm coming to sleep under it.
Those pix are horrible! I can't make anything out. Guess I'll just have to come see it for myself! ;)
It looks fantastic, really! What fun.
The pretty, pretty colours. And All. That. Fleece... it needs to be spun. I can hear it singing to me.
Now I'm drooling on my keyboard and it's all your fault :-)
Wow!!! The shoppe looks wonderful!!
Your wall of wool is inspirational.
I should do that for my own stash! LOL
I can't help but stare at all the wheel porn in the pictures. drooool!
Love the hair!!! Flashy and young!
LOVE the new Wall o' Fleece (those labels-with-locks are a stroke of genious). Hi, Jillian!
I just found your blog. I'm trying to hook up with more fiber blogs. Your rooms look great. I could get lost in there and never be seen again.
I'm an alpaca breeder, fiber fanatic. come see me.
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