But the shop stuff is progressing and getting better and I've had top notch teachers over these last couple of years and the rest of the year and 2010 are shaping up to be just as good.
Last weekend Jane Patrick (from Schacht Spindle Company, former editor of Handwoven Magazine and auther of Time to Weave and an upcoming rigid heddle book) was here and it was fantastic and wonderful and eye opening.
The above photo is my warp through a double heddle before being tied to the front beam.
Marilyn was there and this was such a cute photo I couldnt't resist adding it.
I have been a bad bad blogger and have very few photos and not even one of the sleepover where the bad girls were badder than ever.
For those of you who ar4en't on my email list, the shop hours are changing as of May 5.
New hours are Tuesday 10 to 5, Wednesday 10-5, Thurday 10 to 8, Friday 10-5 and Saturday 10-4 and closed Sunday and Monday.
If you'd like to be on the email list so you can stay up with the upcoming classes and new shop additions you can sign up on the website on the contact us page.
I am off to bed now because there is a spectacular weaving class beginning tomorrow with Gisela Bosch. I need to be well rested for the brain fill up.