Here's what the Sheep 101 website has to say about it:
Masham sheep have been bred for over a centry on the hill farms in the Northern Counties of England. They are produced by crossing a Teeswater ram onto either a Dalesbred or Swaledale ewe, both hardy hill breeds. It is from these parent breeds that the Masham gains its hardiness, longevity, heavy milking qualities, strong moterhing insticts and high prolificacy. The Masham ewe is medium sized and hornless. Her fleece is long staples, 8-10 inches on a yearling and 6 to 7 inches on a ewe, with a good degree of lustre.
The photo there is of the unspun top. It is lovely. It has a nice weight. It is not soft like BFL but has a lovely luster and drape.
I'm somewhat happy with this skein but I'm still working on getting better consistency throughout my skeins. Changing drafting methods on and off throughout the spinning isn't helping with that goal. I know.
This week Abby will come and teach me to be a better spinner. Well, other people are coming too but in the end it's all about me, right? I'm nervous and excited and also nervous. At the shop I am the queen of the spinning's Abby. What if she doesn't like my shop? What if my spinning is actually as sucky as I make it out to be in my head? What if....
And she knows I feel this way cause I told her, so don't be going all tattle-tale on me and emailing her
Nice spinning, darling! And, she will love your shop. Stop already!! And, anyways - if she doesn't, I sure as heck do! After all, it's all about me (and you, I suppose!)
I am way geeked to try that wheel and I am way way geeked for Abby's class and I am way way way geeked to find a drop spindle.
Think you are ready for me????
Lol! Of course she will love your shop. I figure we can spin forever and still learn things so just enjoy it as ya go, right? I am hoping to soak in all I can from Abby too, if you and Kat will let me haha! Have a great week! See ya Sat! Woo hoo!
Love the picture of your "darlings" in their darling moment.
BTW - everyone loves you AND your shop.
Maggy and Ryan are beautiful and handsome. Maggy takes after her MOM. She reminds me of my daughter at that age, she had red hair and blue eyes. Your yarn is equally as beautiful. You are a super fantastic spinner and my mentor. I brag about you all the time. I'm sure Abby is a Goddess, but you are still the Queen. I will see you Tuesday for the unoffficial spinning free-for-all. Did you get a new Matchless? How about a Lady Bug? KnitSib
I seriously don't think it's possibly not to love your shop. I mean - really.
The masham looks fabulous, edibly fabulous.
is that anything like masham potatoes?
those kids sure look innocent. hah!
see you tomorrow night! YAAAAAY!
Beth, please come visit my blog. I mentioned you today (Friday).
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