Friday, April 20, 2007


Today is my oldest's birthday. She is now 21.
Weird feeling having a daughter that old. I don't feel much older than 21 myself.
We have become more like friends over these past 3 years when she's been gone for long stretches of time at school. Don't get me wrong, I'm still full of unwanted advice like any good mother but she now chooses to talk to me about stuff rather than my trying to pull it all out of her and wondering what's being left out.
It is weird. I want her to be home and be 15 again and at the same time I can't wait to see what happens next in her life. It's all so out in front of her and nothing is set in stone.
Happy Birthday Brittney
You seem to be doing alright despite sharing a birthday with Hitler.


Vicki Knitorious said...

Happy Birthday!! April's a great month for a birthday.

Anonymous said...

That last line made me spit coffee! Happy Birthday to your daughter. You give hope to all those who are ready to kill their adolescent girls. (Or, like me, those who fear that upcoming phase.)