We talked today about the day we scheduled this happy class. Carla (cjkoho on Twitter and Ravelry) was concerned about the date. August would be hot. I explained that I would talk to those in charge of the weather and all would be well.
It was perfect. A lovely breeze. Temperatures in the low 80s. Just beautiful to be on the front porch and learn about color relationships and how they work together.
Carla works in triads and she started us out that way and by the end of the day we were all off doing our own thing with what we had learned. Some stuck with the Carla method of clear colors and others were blending, mixing and letting the colors bleed.
I knew it was gonna be a fun day when Kat (askatknits on Twitter and Ravelry in case you'd like to scold her) started being a bad influence with Maggie - notice the cat's cradle. Also notice Karen (Planetknit on Ravelry and Twitter if you'd like to say good job) is working diligently.
This is Carla describing the beauties and freedoms of dyeing your own rovings and tops and spinning them and the happiness and joy it brings and the opportunities for more creativity.
Barb and Rita got to work and were very well behaved. Their samples were lovely.
Everyone had yarn samples and fiber samples to play with and work on to come up with their own dyed lovliness.
Now, at the beginning I said there was the triad that all were supposed to do. I do not follow instructions well. I dyed silk. The last is the green, the first is the one with the orange and pink. There were several skeins where I worked on a warp color to go with the lovely mohair yarn I am determined to weave. And since it didn't work in the warp I have been encouraged to dye my own stronger warp and go ahead with my project. So there is the silk. which will be shiny and drapey and lovely.
The fiber in the front is a new fiber I got in this week. 49% Bamboo, 28% wool, 23% Alpaca. It is beautiful and I had to see what would happen in the dye. It should be dry by the time I am in the shop next and I won;t be able to stop myself from spinning it. The colors are muted due to the high percentage of bamboo which would no take the type of dyes we used today. I like it very much.
What I don't like about dyeing I figured out today. It's like eating at the Cheesecake Factory. There are over 200 items on the menu and I can't make a decision. Dyeing feels the same to me. The are so many colors and then the combinations and blends and possibilities are endless. It's too much for my brain. But luckily for us, there are those who are in love with it and I can rely on them to help me narrow it down.